<div>Hi, gstreamers</div> <div> </div> <div>My autoplug process is set element to GST_STATE_PLAYING as soon as I find one compatible element.</div> <div> </div> <div>This method will cause sync issue when the media has both audio and video, since there is a time between audiosink and videosink add to the pipeline. </div> <div>Especially when set pause to resume, it will hold some time, which can be solved by play audio and video at one time.</div> <div> </div> <div>I want to set pipeline to GST_STATE_PLAYING after pad link completed, no matter whether the stream only contains audio or both.</div> <div> </div> <div>questions are:<BR>1, autoplug is very common in gstreamer framework, what about the common method to set audio and video playing.<BR>2, is there any signal when all the pads linking ended.<BR>3, is there any method to know sometimes pad number in demux(qtdemux, avidemux), then the most ugly method is waiting.</div>
<div><BR>Thanks in advance</div><p> 
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