hi everybody<br><br>I am trying to streaming a mp3 file from a Desktop PC to the Arm Development Board through rtsp & rtp<br>my gst-launch command line is :<br>gst-launch rtspsrc location= "rtsp://" ! rtpmpadepay ! mad ! filesink location= qqqqq
<br>it works perfect on X86, but on Arm it seems have some problems<br><br>the cosole displays:<br>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br>~ # gst-launch rtspsrc location= "rtsp://" ! rtpmpadepay ! mad ! filesink location= qqqqq<br>Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...<br><br>(gst-launch-0.10:524): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_param_spec_int: assertion `default_value >= minimum && default_value <= maximum' failed
<br><br>(gst-launch-0.10:524): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_class_install_property: assertion `G_IS_PARAM_SPEC (pspec)' failed<br><br>0:00:00.991695000 524 0x192b0 ERROR basesrc gstbasesrc.c:1938:gst_base_src_activate_push:<udpsrc2> Failed to start in push mode
<br>0:00:00.995195000 524 0x192b0 ERROR basesrc gstbasesrc.c:1938:gst_base_src_activate_push:<udpsrc3> Failed to start in push mode<br>0:00:01.004039000 524 0x192b0 ERROR basesrc gstbasesrc.c
:1938:gst_base_src_activate_push:<udpsrc3> Failed to start in push mode<br>ERROR: Pipeline doesn't want to pause.<br>ERROR: from element /pipeline0/rtspsrc0/udpsrc3: Could not get/set settings from/on resource.<br>
Additional debug info:<br>gstudpsrc.c(770): gst_udpsrc_start (): /pipeline0/rtspsrc0/udpsrc3:<br>could add membership -1: No such device (19)<br>Setting pipeline to NULL ...<br>FREEING pipeline ...<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br><br>could anybody tell me where the problem is and how to solve it ~~~~?!!!<br>thank you guys very much<br>