</blockquote><tt>Hello all,</tt><br>
<tt>After many days trying to cross compile the new directshow wrapper, and</tt><br>
<tt>the audio and video source for windows using mingw32, I finally</tt><br>
<tt>succeeded in building the .dll files, but now when I try to run it I get</tt><br>
<tt>the following error :</tt><br>
<tt> $ gst-launch-0.10.exe dshowvideosrc ! ffmpegcolorspace ! directdrawsink</tt><br>
<tt>Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...</tt><br>
<tt>0:00:00.264301000 2056 003D42E0 ERROR dshowvideosrc</tt><br>
<tt>gstdshowvideosrc.c:602:gst_dshowvideosrc_start: Can't create an instance</tt><br>
<tt>of our dshow fakesink filter (error=-2147221164)</tt><br>
<tt>ERROR: Pipeline doesn't want to pause.</tt><br>
<tt>Setting pipeline to NULL ...</tt><br>
<tt>FREEING pipeline ...</tt><br>