<div>Hi, </div> <div> </div> <div>gstreamer has provided a method allowed using hardware buffer, I feel confused how to use this feature.</div> <div> </div> <div>1. GstBaseSink provides an overridable ::buffer_alloc function to be overwitten, but I could not find the free buffer function.</div> <div> </div> <div>2. GstBaseSink could handle this function, then how about general plugin such as encoder, could I provide such function providing buffer to src element by means of gst_pad_set_bufferalloc_function. </div> <div>Still I only find bufferallocfunc, but could not find bufferfreefunc.</div> <div> </div> <div>3. there is an example, if I want to share buffer in camerasrc, encoder and overlay2sink<BR> <BR>gst-launch camerasrc width=640 height=480 ! tee name=t t. ! queue ! h264enc frame_width=640 frame_height=480 frame_rate=30 bit_rate=1500000 ! fakesink t. ! queue ! overlay2sink</div> <div><BR>option 1: camerasrc malloc
buffer, there will no problem<BR>option 2: encoder and overlay2sink provide the hardware buffer, then there will be a problem. Since I use tee element, which buffer is really used by camerasrc, from overlay2sink or from encoder ,is there any conflict.</div> <div> </div> <div>Thanks in advance</div><p> 
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