<DIV>Hi all,</DIV>
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<DIV> Recently, I want to implement a simple mpeg2-ts palyer using gstreamer framework,and the decodec element are customized with dsp, and my demuxer is flutsdemux, Gaurav have told me that the demux will push the two on seperate pads in buffers after applying the same timestamp ,and the the sinks (audio and video ) will play the buffers depending on the stream time and timestamps...</DIV>
<DIV> and I have read the source code of mpeg2dec which used libmpeg2, it will adjust the outbuffer's timestamps with the related pts if necessary,but when I use a dsp decoder,It seem that I can get only the decoded data from it's outbuffer,how to adjust the videooutbuffer's timpstamps in order to avoid meeting av sync problem?</DIV>
<DIV> I could not find the av sync sample demo ,can anyone guide me and/or give me some sample codes on the related subject?thanks a lot!</DIV>
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