Hi,<br><br>I am trying to get started with GStreamer plugin devel. I wrote a basic plugin, based on the gst-template plugin. I compiled and installed it with autogen.sh make and make install from the top directory. All steps seem to be successful. However I want to inspect it using gst-inspect mypluginname, but it gives me the following error: No such element or plugin 'mypluginname'... I have also looked in the registry file under ~/.gstreamer-0.10/registry.i486.xml to see if this file was modified to include my plugin, but it wasn't. So what are the necessary steps to correctly build and install a "Hello World" plugin? What does installing a plugin mean? Will its library be copied to a certain location and/or the plugin has to be included in the rtegistry xml file? Needles to say the Plugin Writer's Guide fails to mention anything about compling and installing a plugin.<br><br>Thanks,<br>Ionut<br><p> 
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