Hello!<br><br>My name is Attila Afra and I'm a 3rd year CS student. I would like to<br>participate in Google Summer of Code with the following project:<br><br>I'm planning to write an OpenGL accelerated video mixer/renderer library: AXVR<br>
(Accelerated Cross-platform Video Renderer). Its main features will be:<br><br> * all calculations done using OpenGL 2.1 and GLSL<br> * support for many planar and packed video formats<br> * correct color space conversion taking into account chroma siting,<br>
primaries, nominal range, etc.<br> * asynchronous high speed video uploading using pixel buffer objects<br> * high quality resampling (including chroma upsampling): bicubic, Lanczos<br> * pixel-based motion and edge adaptive de-interlacing with automatic inverse<br>
telecine supporting arbitrary cadences<br> * 3D noise filter<br> * color correction<br> * video mixing using alpha blending<br><br>I will write the library in C++, but of course I want to create a C binding too.<br>
I want it to be as generic as possible in order to be usable in several<br>multimedia frameworks and players. Because of this, it will handle only the<br>rendering of individual frames and it will not be restricted to OpenGL (possible<br>
other backends would be: CUDA, Direct3D, etc.).<br><br>This library would represent the first part of the project. The second part<br>would be a gstreamer plugin which would use this library.<br><br>This wouldn't be my first open source project. My first project was FilmShrink<br>
(<a href="http://filmshrink.sourceforge.net/">http://filmshrink.sourceforge.net/</a>), a DVD-Video transcoding application, which<br>I wrote 3-4 years ago. The second one is quite recent (I've just uploaded it):<br>a small, cross-platform, OpenGL-based GPGPU library called GPUC<br>
(<a href="http://code.google.com/p/gpuc/">http://code.google.com/p/gpuc/</a>). I also did research on 3D graphics (real-time<br>atmospheric scattering using OpenGL/GLSL).<br><br>What do you think about this project? I can give more details about it, because<br>
I've made some good progress on the design.<br><br>Regards,<br>Attila<br><br>