Hi,<br><br>Some news about the plugin I am working on my spare time:<br><br>The plugin uses the opengl API. It uses also glew to automatically manage extensions.<br>For now there is two elements (implementation is finished)<br>
The first one is named glimagesink (as the current plugin-gl from David A. Schleef). It handles every RGB-like. It also handles I420, YV12, YUY2, UYVY and AYUV, trough GLSL (OpenGL shading language). (this is done and tested on an ATI 9800 pro, an ATI X800 GTO and an recent NVIDIA card (I can search the exact name if needed) )<br>
The second element is named glgraphicmaker, it handles the same video format inputs as the glimagesink. The output has the type video/x-raw-gl (as in the current plugin-gl from David A. Schleef). I prefer to name it "glgraphicmaker" instead of "glupload" because it is possible to define reshape and draw callback from a gstreamer client code (usefull when someone want to have a complex opengl scene without making an other filter). <span style="text-decoration: underline;">The most important thing is that the graphic FPS can be synchronised or bigger (I mean as fast as your graphic card can)</span> than the input video framerate (the client code can to turn on or off it). The glimagesink can be connected to the glgraphicmaker in order to see the opengl scene.<br>
<br>Now I am currently working on the symectric element that it is named "glvideomaker". I prefer this name instead of "gldownload" for the same reasons.<br><br>The other thing that I want to talk about is the "freeglut" part in this plugin. I use it to create the windows easily but there is a limitation. It's not possible to implement the gstxoverlay interface because freeglut cannot receive winId from an existing window. So, there is two solutions to resolve this problem. The first one is to extract the small part I used in freeglut and just put it into the plugin. The second solution is to use an other opengl toolkit (glut-like) that could permit to implement the gstxoverlay interface.<br>
The second solution is possible because the deep mecanism of this plugin will be the same (just by replacing freeglut fucntions by the identicals functions from an other library)<br>What solution do you expect to be the best? If it's the second one, which library are you thinking ?<br>
<br>Sincerely<br><br>Julien I.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>