Hi,<br> I'm playing mp3 file and the code snippet for that is as fallows<br><br>...<br>loop = g_main_loop_new ( NULL, FALSE );<br><br>pipeline = gst_pipeline_new ( "mp3-player" );<br>source = gst_element_factory_make ( "filesrc", "file-source" );<br>
decoder = gst_element_factory_make ( "mad", "mp3-decoder" );<br>conv = gst_element_factory_make ( "audioconvert", "converter" );<br>sink = gst_element_factory_make ( "alsasink", "sink" );<br>
<br>g_object_set ( G_OBJECT(source), "location", "x.mp3", NULL );<br><br>gst_bin_add_many ( GST_BIN(pipeline), souce, decoder, conv, sink, NULL );<br>gst_element_link_many ( souce, decoder, conv, sink, NULL );<br>
<br>gst_element_set_state ( pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING );<br>g_main_loop_run ( loop );<br><br>Here after, it starts playing. Once its playing, control is not coming out till the stream ended. <br>If i want to pause after certain time interval say 10 sec, i cant do it while playing the stream. Even i set alarm signal and signal handler, but alarm signal is not delivered while playing the stream.<br>
<br>Is there any way to play the audio files asynchronously?<br><br><br>/Ganesh