<div dir="ltr">Hi,<br> I installed packages in my(fc8, i386) system gstreamer-0.10, gst-ffmpeg-0.10.4, gst-plugins-base-0.10.20, liboil-0.3.14. <br> when i tried to run, cat test.ts | gst-launch-0.10 playbin uri=file:///dev/stdin,<br>
for this i got the fallowing messages, <br><br>Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...<br>Pipeline is PREROLLING ...<br>ERROR: from element /playbin0/decodebin0/ffdemux_mpegts0: Element doesn't implement handling of this stream. Please file a bug.<br>
Additional debug info:<br>gstffmpegdemux.c(987): gst_ffmpegdemux_sink_activate (): /playbin0/decodebin0/ffdemux_mpegts0:<br>failed to activate sinkpad in pull mode, push mode not implemented yet<br>ERROR: pipeline doesn't want to preroll.<br>
Setting pipeline to NULL ...<br>** Message: don't know how to handle video/mpegts, systemstream=(boolean)true, packetsize=(int)188<br>FREEING pipeline ...<br><br> <br><br>regards,<br>john david.<br>