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Majdi Rawashdeh wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:4899B706.2040103@site.uottawa.ca" type="cite">
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Stefan Kost wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:4899B63B.5010206@hora-obscura.de" type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Majdi Rawashdeh schrieb:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Stefan Kost wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">hi,
Majdi Rawashdeh schrieb:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Hi,
I am new to gstreamer framework, I just finished reading the
/Gstreamer Application Development manual (0.10.20.//1)/ I want to
know if it is possible to do the following and any suggestions on how
to start:
I want to transfer the ongoing streaming media from a computer to
another computer. the media should continue playing on the new
computer and stop playing on the old one without loosing any frames. I
also need to be able to control the frames on the streaming server.
<pre wrap="">if you also do the client, the client could connect to the new server
and drop the connection to the old as soon as it has received data from
the new. This all requires some effort on your side, so this won't be
out of the box.
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">
please send my any suggestion...!
<pre wrap="">Hi stefan,
<pre wrap=""> Just to explain exactly what I am trying to do I have a mobile user
watching video on computer A after a certain time the user wants to
continue watching the same video on computer B - the video should
start at computer B from the current video position not from the
beginning of the video- keep in my mind i do not want to loose any
frames when I transfer the video session.
Hopefully this gives you an idea what I am trying to develop using
gstreamer .
<pre wrap=""><!---->Ah, I misread this a bit. That should be possible too, but you would
need a session. When you continue on the 2nd computer, you would need to
tell the sever what session to continue. I have no idea if a feature
like this existing already in session protocols (rtsp).
if so, you still have the issue how to transfer that
session-identification from computer 1 to 2.
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Thanks
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Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
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thanks for your help, I will read more and see what can be done<br>
Hi Stefan,<br>
I would like to start my work like this to stream video from computer<b>
A</b> to computer <b>B </b>first, then I want to extend the
application to stream video from computer <b>A</b> to both computer <b>B
</b>& <b>C</b>
at the same time , could you please give me a hint where to start from
or what documentation is helpful to achieve this I am so how lost ....<br>