<div dir="ltr"><div>Hi,<br><br>I am experiencing some issues while using rtp/udp live streaming of TS<br>encapsulated H.264 stream.<br><br>The sender side pipe line is as<br><br>gst-launch filesrc location=<br>gst-launch filesrc location=grandma.qcif.yuv blocksize=1 ! videoparse<br>
format=0 width=176 height=144 ! x264enc byte-stream=1 ! flutsmux !<br>rtpmp2tpay ! udpsink host=localhost port=1234.<br><br>the receiver side the pipeline is as :<br><br><br>gst-launch udpsrc port=1234 ! rtpmp2tdepay ! flutsdemux ! ffdec_h264 ! queue<br>
! sdlvideosink<br><br>The display is jerky and only I frames fets displayed at the sink.<br><br>The observations we have on the issue so far are the following.<br><br><br>1. The display is fine when we use tcpserversrc at the receiver and<br>
tcpclientsink at the sender.<br><br>2.The display is fine if we modify the code of udpsrc and make it a non-live<br>src.<br><br>3.The display is smooth if we start the transmitter side first and thgen<br>start the receiver.<br>
<br>4.The timestamps of the packets arriving at the sink are the same in both<br>live and non-live cases but in the live case the packets seems to be late<br>when compared with current clock time.<br><br>5. The qos messages from the sink make the decoder skip to the next I frame<br>
and this continues all the way.<br><br>6.The display is fine if we disable the sync property at the sdlvideosink.<br><br>7. We tried the pipelin with rtph264pay and depay without TS<br>encapsulation,which works fine. But in this case also at the sink, the sync<br>
property gets set to false due to invalid timestamp and the display is fine.<br><br>8.Other players like VLC plays it well wih the same sender.<br><br>Would someone be able to coment on the issue?<br>Regards</div>