<DIV>Hi all,</DIV>
<DIV> I met a problem when I using gstreamer framework to develope my media player. I used the gstreamer application as the backend of my player system,</DIV>
<DIV>and there is controllersys application in my system too, they can communicate with each other using the message queue provided by linux os, but the question is that <STRONG>the gstreamer backend could not receive and respond to the message sent from the controllersys when the pipeline was doing a state change</STRONG>,so if there is some problem occurs during the pipeline changing, eq, the pipeline if waiting for a live source to push datum to downstream element, the gstreamer backend will be hung up...</DIV>
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<DIV> Any ideas? thank you!</DIV>
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<DIV> Best Regards!</DIV>
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<DIV> Volter </DIV>