<div dir="ltr">Hi, <br><br>Some news about the problem I was talking on IRC yesterday.<br>About G_LOG_DOMAIN ( with vc8 ) which was always set to 0 (same about GST_CAT_DEFAULT) and so I could not use severals domains or categories.<br>
<br>After some investigations it seems that since 11-Mar-2008, the file <b><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">glibconfig.h</span></b> introduces:<br>/* varargs macros available since msvc8 (vs2005) */<br># if _MSC_VER >= 1400<br>
# define G_HAVE_ISO_VARARGS 1<br># endif <br><br>Ok so then I have upgraded my win32 glib dev package and then I can use several G_LOG_DOMAINs. So that's cool.<br><br>But it caused some "error C2065: '__func__' : undeclared identifier" for GST_DEBUGs.<br>
So I have added: <span style="color: rgb(51, 102, 255);">#define __func__ __FUNCTION__</span> in <b>glibconfig.h</b>:<br><br>/* varargs macros available since msvc8 (vs2005) */<br># if _MSC_VER >= 1400<br># define G_HAVE_ISO_VARARGS 1<br>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 102, 255);"># define __func__ __FUNCTION__</span><br># endif<br><br>Then I can also use several gst custom categories. ( Waw, I could not, with vc8, for a long time)<br>But I am not sure to define __func__ as __FUNCTION__ in the best place (glibconfig.h).<br>
And so I would like to know how the gstreamer developpers do on win32 with vc8 ?<br><br>Sincerely<br><br>Julien<br></div>