<div dir="ltr">Hi, I had posted this topic before but I am unsure if it reached the mailing list.<br><br>I have an app that displays MJPEG Streams from webcam cameras that looks like the following:<br><br>gst-launch-0.10 gnomevfssrc location="<a href="http://ip/image?speed=25">http://ip/image?speed=25</a>" ! decodebin ! ffmpegcolorspace ! videoscale ! ximagesink force-aspect-ratio="true"<br>
<br>But when I add a clockoverlay element between the videoscale and ximagesink, the video gets frozen. Looks like it just displays the first frame.<br><br>Can someone please, help me? What I am doing wrong.<br><br>Noe Nieto.<br>