Hi,<br><br>Working on gst-plugins-gl ( <a href="http://diracvideo.org/git?p=gst-plugins-gl.git;a=summary">http://diracvideo.org/git?p=gst-plugins-gl.git;a=summary</a> , and the branch : <a href="http://diracvideo.org/git?p=gst-plugins-gl.git;a=shortlog;h=remove_gstfreeglut">http://diracvideo.org/git?p=gst-plugins-gl.git;a=shortlog;h=remove_gstfreeglut</a> )<br>
, I am trying to resolve a bug about "ATI + fragment shader (from GLSL) + setlocale (from #include <locale.h>).<br><br>Well, shaders are not working if setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); is called. And no problem if setlocale (LC_ALL, "C"); is called.<br>
I can see any relation bettween the 2 things. <br><br>And setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); is called in gst_init. (cvs/gstreamer/gst/gst.c). I have spent a lot of time to find that the bug become when setlocale is called with arg "".<br>
<br>Anyway, I have made a minimal test which only requires freeglut (or glut) and have a graphic card which supports OpenGL and GLSL.<br>I joined this test to this mail:<br><br>./test 0 give the wrong result: red color in the window. ( setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); is called)<br>
./test 1 give the right result: yellow color in the window. ( setlocale (LC_ALL, "C"); is called)<br><br>I have the bug on ubuntu intrepid (and Linux julien-desktop 2.6.27-9-generic #1 SMP Thu Nov 20 21:57:00 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux)<br>
I join also my glxinfo output and my xorg.conf (I have little bit fired my xorg.conf but I had same bug with the default xorg.conf)<br>I have an ATI 9800 pro<br>fglrxinfo:<br>display: :0.0 screen: 0<br>OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.<br>
OpenGL renderer string: RADEON 9800 PRO<br>OpenGL version string: 2.1.8087 Release<br><br>(It seems there is no problem with an NVIDIA graphic card)<br><br>setlocale doc: <a href="http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007908799/xsh/setlocale.html">http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007908799/xsh/setlocale.html</a><br>
<br>my config:<br><br>echo $LANG<br>fr_FR.UTF-8<br><br>So what do you think I can do ? Bug come from fr_FR.UTF-8 environnement ?<br>Where should I report the problem ?<br><br>Please try the test if you have an ATI and GLSL and linux. <br>