Hi,<br><br>When a Video Capture Device supports RGB then in dshowvideosrc the video rgb data is converted from bottom-up to top-down with a "for" and "memcpy"s. (because gstreamer wants top-down).<br><br>
According to this document: <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms787796(VS.85).aspx">http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms787796(VS.85).aspx</a> it should be possible to use a negative height in order to get a top-down rgb data.<br>
And so we could avoid the "for" + "memcopy"s.<br><br>I tried on two different Video Capture Devices that can only output RGB24. I set the VIDEOINFOHEADER.bmiHeader.biHeight to -height instead of +height)<br>
But I got a crash which happens in a Windows dll.<br><br>Does anybody know any informations about it ?<br><br>Thx<br><br>Sincerely<br><br>Julien<br><br><br>