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<P><FONT SIZE=2>Hi.......<BR>
1. I installed gstreamer 0.10.21 in my pc..<BR>
2.Then i run gst-register it listed some plugins.....<BR>
3.Then i tried to run the helloworld application<BR>
from /gstreamer 0.10/test/examples/helloworld/./helloworld test.mp3<BR>
it outs 'couldnot find 'mad' plugin<BR>
4.So i went for download a gst-plugin 0.10.21 from gst-base plug-ins ...<BR>
5.But the helloworld application still not working it shows the same message<BR>
even though i set the environmental variables to the plugin installed directory....<BR>
could any one help me..?<BR>
In my system there is lower version gstreamer is there ...will its a problem?<BR>