During the last couple of months we have been working on porting
GStreamer to Windows using the OAbuild project. We introduced some
modifications to OAbuild in order to improve compatibility and provide
video decoding and encoding in a larger number of codecs. <br>
Changelog:<div class="Ih2E3d"><br>
·Compile ffmpeg with mingw/msys with full codec support.<br>
·Remove the ffmpeg project from OAbuild and link the ffmpeg plugin to the mingw/msys ffmpeg libraries.<br>
·Remove the GLib project from OAbuild and link GStreamer to the GLib version provided<br></div>
with the GTK+ win32 installer (in this way GStreamer can be used by GTK applications).<br><div class="Ih2E3d">
·Update liboil to a newer version to compile the volume plugin.<br>
·Change the ffmpeg plugin code to compile it using VS.<br>
·Change the qtdemux plugin code to compile it using VS.<br></div>
·Compile libmad for Windows and add the libraries to the Gstreamer's dependencies to provide mp3 decoding support.<br><div class="Ih2E3d">
·Add the mad plugin to OAbuild.<br>
·Add the asfdemux plugin to OAbuild.<br>
·Remove the Direct Show wrapper and use the ffmepg plugin for all the decoding stuff.<br>
·Add the xvid plugin to OAbuild.<br>
·Change the xvid plugin code to complile it usin VS.<br>
·Add the mpeg2decoder plugin to OAbuild.<br>
·Add the mpegstream plugin to OAbuild.<br>
To do:<br>
·Make the x264 plugin work<br>·Improve mpeg2 decoding/demuxing support<br>·Add dvd navigation support<br><br><br>You can find the installers at:<br><a href="http://forja.rediris.es/frs/?group_id=96">http://forja.rediris.es/frs/?group_id=96</a><br>
<br><br>Andoni Morales Alastruey<br>Andrés Colubri<br>