<TITLE>Issue with decodebin ?</TITLE>
<FONT FACE="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:12.0px'>Hi again :)<BR>
Is there an issue with using the decodebin element programmatically ?<BR>
This command line works fine:<BR>
gst-launch filesrc location=file.flv ! decodebin ! ffmpegcolorspace ! ximagesink<BR>
But when I try to code it up as follows: (some code left out for clarity)<BR>
</SPAN></FONT><FONT SIZE="2"><FONT FACE="Monaco, Courier New"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:10.0px'> <FONT COLOR="#00711C">// Create gstreamer elements<BR>
</FONT> pipeline = gst_pipeline_new( <FONT COLOR="#9E0006">"video"</FONT> );<BR>
source = gst_element_factory_make( <FONT COLOR="#9E0006">"filesrc"</FONT> , <FONT COLOR="#9E0006">"src"</FONT> );<BR>
decoder = gst_element_factory_make( <FONT COLOR="#9E0006">"decodebin"</FONT> , <FONT COLOR="#9E0006">"decoder"</FONT> );<BR>
colorspace1 = gst_element_factory_make( <FONT COLOR="#9E0006">"ffmpegcolorspace"</FONT> , <FONT COLOR="#9E0006">"colorspace1"</FONT> );<BR>
sink = gst_element_factory_make( <FONT COLOR="#9E0006">"ximagesink"</FONT> , <FONT COLOR="#9E0006">"sink"</FONT> );<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#890051">if</FONT> ( !pipeline || !source || !decoder || !colorspace1 || !sink ) <BR>
g_printerr( <FONT COLOR="#9E0006">"One element could not be created. Exiting.\n"</FONT> );<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#890051">return</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#2300FF">-1</FONT>;<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#00711C">// Set the input filename to the source element <BR>
</FONT> g_object_set( G_OBJECT( source ) , <FONT COLOR="#9E0006">"location"</FONT> , <FONT COLOR="#9E0006">"file.flv"</FONT> , <FONT COLOR="#890051">NULL</FONT> );<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#00711C">// Add all elements into the pipeline <BR>
</FONT> gst_bin_add_many( GST_BIN( pipeline ) , source , decoder , colorspace1 , sink , <FONT COLOR="#890051">NULL</FONT> );<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#00711C">// Start linking the elements together <BR>
</FONT> gst_element_link_many( source , decoder , colorspace1 , sink , <FONT COLOR="#890051">NULL</FONT> );<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#00711C">// Set the pipeline to "playing" state<BR>
</FONT> gst_element_set_state( pipeline , GST_STATE_PLAYING );<BR>
</SPAN></FONT></FONT><FONT FACE="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:12.0px'><BR>
I get an ‘internal data flow error’ as you would see when linking failed.<BR>
Any ideas why this might be please ? Does the uridecodebin work any better ?<BR>
Thanks for all the help so far :D<BR>
Darren </SPAN></FONT>
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