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<TITLE>Re: 3gp demux plugin working on PC but not on target</TITLE>
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>Really, this doesn't help too much. You'll need to attach a debugger<BR>
>and see where things are going wrong. It could be that one of the<BR>
>libraries gstreamer uses was compiled wrongly, so things are going<BR>
>wrong "randomly", or it could be a bug in your plugin - we can't<BR>
>guess. You might also find running it on a PC using a tool like<BR>
>valgrind helpful - it might show you something you're doing wrong that<BR>
>just luckily doesn't cause a crash on the PC, but does on your target<BR>
Finally I was able to get Audio and Video working on target using my 3gp<BR>
demux. As you pointed out correctly, bug was in my code. I was trying to<BR>
access the file location from filesrc element using the following code, and<BR>
it caused the crash.<BR>
fileSrcPeerPad = gst_pad_get_peer(filter->sinkPad);<BR>
if(NULL == fileSrcPeerPad)<BR>
GST_DEBUG("gone.. no src peer pad. ");<BR>
//extract the file src element here and get the filename, fd and uri<BR>
fileSrcPeerElement = gst_pad_get_parent_element(fileSrcPeerPad);<BR>
element_class = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS(fileSrcPeerElement);<BR>
object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(element_class);<BR>
//try to extract the location from this GObject.<BR>
g_object_get(object_class, "location", &fileLocation, NULL);<BR>
and after that do the file operations. Surprisingly, this piece of code worked<BR>
on PC.<BR>
Can you help me in finding the error in the code??<BR>
Also, now I have some AV Sync issues. Till now I have not implemented any AV Sync<BR>
logic in my Demux or Sink. I am passing the video buffers decoded to the sink, but it<BR>
seems that video frames are dropped by the framework and after that I see continuous<BR>
breaks. Does the pipeline implement the frame drop logic? If yes what logic does it follow<BR>
for frame drops? can you guide me to the piece of code in the framework for a better<BR>
>> Hi,<BR>
>>> That said, why aren't you using qtdemux? GStreamer includes a fairly<BR>
>>> full-featured, high quality demuxer for<BR>
>>> quicktime-and-qt-derived-formats like 3gp, and it works well already.<BR>
>> We use the qtdemux extensively and find it very stable. We are developing<BR>
>> out 3gp plugin as an experiment just to learn more about the GStreamer<BR>
>> framework.<BR>
>Fair enough.<BR>
>>> Without the source to your plugin, all we can say about this<BR>
>>> particular crash is "it's presumably a bug in your plugin, you'll need<BR>
>>> to fix it".<BR>
>Really, this doesn't help too much. You'll need to attach a debugger<BR>
>and see where things are going wrong. It could be that one of the<BR>
>libraries gstreamer uses was compiled wrongly, so things are going<BR>
>wrong "randomly", or it could be a bug in your plugin - we can't<BR>
>guess. You might also find running it on a PC using a tool like<BR>
>valgrind helpful - it might show you something you're doing wrong that<BR>
>just luckily doesn't cause a crash on the PC, but does on your target<BR>
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