Hi, <br>I recently imported to my svn repository all the changes we made to OAbuild in order to compile functional GStreamer binaries on Windows based on the OAbuild method. I know that OAbuild is changing to OAHbuild, but until all the migration is done I think this method can be very usefull for those who want to compile their own binaries on Windows.<br>
<br>The changes we made so far are:<br>·Added ffmpeg plugin with full codec support<br>.Glib 2.18<br>.Added volume plugin<br>.Added libmad plugin<br>.Added asfdemux plugin.<br>.Added lame plugin<br>
·Removed Direct Show wrapper and use the ffmepg plugin for all the decoding stuff.<br>
·Added xvid plugin.<br>
·Added the mpeg2decoder.<br>
·Added mpegstream plugin.<br>.Added resindvd plugin.<br>.Added libfaad plugin.<br>.Added libfaac plugin.<br>.Added libdvdspu plugin.<br>.Adde liba52 plugin.<br>.Added mpeg4parse plugin.<br>.Added qtdemux plugin.<br><br>You can get a working copy of the reposiroty with the following command: <br>
<font style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;" size="2">svn checkout <b><a href="https://forja.rediris.es/svn/csl-longomatch/trunk/">https://forja.rediris.es/svn/csl-longomatch/trunk/</a></b><strong><b>gstreamer_oabuild</b><br>
<br><span style="font-weight: normal;">To compile the Direct Show plugins follow the instructions at <a href="http://people.collabora.co.uk/~oleavr/OABuild/">http://people.collabora.co.uk/~oleavr/OABuild/</a> and change in<b> </b>build\vsprops\Common.vsprops<b> </b>the following macro with your installation path:<br>
<UserMacro<br> Name="DirectXSDK"<br> Value="C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1"<br> /><br><br>The first build usually throws 2 errors for 2 plugins which are solved builden agian the whole solution (not Rebuild, just Build)<br>
<br>I encourage every one to add new plugins as many of them are still missing.<br><br>You can found precompiled binaries with this method at:<br><a href="http://forja.rediris.es/frs/?group_id=96">http://forja.rediris.es/frs/?group_id=96</a><br>
<b><br></b>Regards, <br>Andoni Morales<b><br></b></span><b><span style="font-weight: normal;"></span></b></strong></font>