Hi,<br><br>i am trying to record from a panasoni camera,.the sequence of pipeline elements in program is,<br><br>gnomevfssrc ! decodebin ! queue ! ffenc_mpeg4 ! capsfilter ! avimux ! filesik<br><br><br>i setted up the framerate to 12 using capsfilter,(because this is the fps that should work with out any pbm in rtsp recording).But here when i start the recording i got some messages like ,<br>
<br><br>0:00:03.074106552 11649 0x9d50e90 ERROR ffmpeg :0:: Error, Invalid timestamp=15, last=15<br>0:00:03.074210484 11649 0x9d50e90 ERROR ffmpeg gstffmpegenc.c:657:gst_ffmpegenc_chain_video:<videoencoder> ffenc_mpeg4: failed to encode buffer<br>
<br>and when i tried to stop the recording , i got the messages like,<br><br><br>mpeg4 @ 0xa60bec0]hmm, seems the headers are not complete, trying to guess time_increment_bits<br>[mpeg4 @ 0xa60bec0]my guess is 2 bits ;)<br>
[mpeg4 @ 0xa60bec0]Error, header damaged or not MPEG4 header (qscale=0)<br> Last message repeated 1 times<br>[mpeg4 @ 0xa60bec0]header damaged<br>Error while decoding stream #0.0<br>[mpeg4 @ 0xa60bec0]Error, header damaged or not MPEG4 header (qscale=0)<br>
Last message repeated 1 times<br>[mpeg4 @ 0xa60bec0]header damaged<br>Error while decoding stream #0.0<br><br><br><br><br><br>BUT THE VIDEO IS RECORDED,,,IT HAS TOO MUCH OF SCRATCHES.WHEN I CHANGED THE FRAME RATE TO 17 THERE IS NO SCRATCH,BUT THE VIDEO IS MOVING TOO FAST!!!<br>
<br><br>THE CAMERA SENDS THE DATA IN MJPEG FORMAT.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Sreerenj B<br><a href="http://sreerenj.livejournal.com">http://sreerenj.livejournal.com</a><br>
<a href="mailto:bsreerenj@gmail.com">bsreerenj@gmail.com</a><br>mob: +91 9995377714<br><br>