Hi All,<br>
<br>Has anybody worked on playing back youtube videos on gstreamer ?<br><br>
I am new to youtube apis also.<br><br>We have a portable media player (arm based) with wifi connectivity. We<br>
are planning to add an application which can playback youtube<br>
- Our player is running linux on an ARM based platform.<br>
- mediaplayer uses gstreamer as playback engine.<br>
- the complete code (apart from gstreamer) is in C.<br>
I have the following questions:<br>
1) I am planning to use youtube DATA APIs (java ones) to retrieve the<br>
urls from different categories of videos in youtube;<br><br>I belive once I have the media url, I can just give it to gstreamer and it will play it back.<br>
I believe this is a right way of doing it. Please comment if this<br>
belief is wrong ?<br>
Thanks in advance.<br>
<font color="#888888">Ebin.<br><br></font>