Hi all,<br><br>I am currently writing an application to save data from a live source<br>into file. The server streams a file RTP payloaded H.264 video packets<br>and AAC audio packets on separate ports. The reciever receives the<br>
data and saves it into a file. I could save the file properly.<br><br>But now my problem is I want to do trickmode operations on this file even<br>when it is downloading(while the file is still been written on client side).<br>
Currently I have written separate application to do trickmode opearations<br>on a file. But when I do trickmode operations on the file which is still<br>writing contents in to it, the pipeline gets into ASYNC state & when the<br>
application is forceably closed the qtdemuxer throws an error.<br><br>One thing I thought is to send an EOS for every 5 secs on the client side<br>while writing data into file. So that the muxer gracefully writes the<br>proper data after EOS and the chunk of data can be considered for trickmode.<br>
But after sending the first EOS I can't set pipeline to any state and the<br>data flow on pad is stopped.<br><br>I would be very thankful if anyone could just tell me<br>* how can I access the file even when its writing.<br>
* Or in any way can I start the data flow even after sending EOS?<br><br>Thanks in advance.<br><br>