<HTML dir=ltr><HEAD><TITLE>gstreamer-devel Digest, Vol 36, Issue 64</TITLE>
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<P>Hi Favila,</P>
<P>I am not sure of flutsmux / flutsdemux element for streaming but please let me put forward my understanding to find the problem. </P>
<P>About the performance of the fluts muxer / demuxer...., </P>
<P>Data in the receiver side is corrupted and one possible reason for this could be that the output from either the muxer or the demuxer is corrupted. In this case you can bit-wise compare the input file and the output file.</P>
<P>1.On the sender side, dump the file after encoder using filesink. This becomes your input file.</P>
<P>2. On the receiver side , dump the file after demuxer. This becomes your output file. </P>
<P>3. Compare the files and see if the two files are bit exact. </P>
<P>About the pipelines.....</P>
<P>I could see the absence of packetiser in your pipeline. Is the fluts muxer /demuxer internally handles the packetisation / depacketisation ? In case its Not handling , my understanding is its better to use the packetiser , even though a frame can directly be streamed, provided the size is much smaller.</P>
<P>In this case, the pipeline could be some what like this ....</P>
<P>Sender : src ! caps ! encoder ! queue ! xxmuxer ! xxparser ! xxpay ! n/wsink</P>
<P>Receiver : n/wsrc ! queue ! xxdemuxer ! xxdepay ! bin.</P>
<P>where, xx is the container format.</P>
<P>when you are streaming using packetiser with no muxer , you are actually streaming the elementary streams and in case you are using a muxer , you are sending data in a container format. And both these scenarios are different. </P>
<P> Hope this has been of little help to you.</P>
<P>Arnab. </P>
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