Hello everybody,<br><br>I have a strange problem : everytime I try to stream video from a network camera, there's no video window appearing. When I just want to display the video stream, it's OK, but everytime I try to stream it (no matter the protocol), nothing's happening. I really don't understand what is happening, because I used the same camera and the same pipelines just yesterday and it worked fine. <br>
<br>I'm not sure it's related to my problem, but on the server side, I get the following error message :<br><br>gstbasesink.c(2877): gst_base_sink_chain_unlocked (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstUDPSink:udpsink1:<br>
Received buffer without a new-segment. Assuming timestamps start from 0.<br><br>Does anybody know where my problem comes from?<br><br>Thank you by advance!<br><br>Marlène Hildebrand-Ehrhardt<br>