Hi all,<br><br>I need to make a video player that is a bit different in some ways, and after some reading and experiencing about GStreamer I think it fits my needs. The player needs to play videos in wmv, flv, show static jpeg and png images, and show flash (swf) animations, in fullscreen mode. Another need is to switch the media types without blinking the screen, that is, to not display a white frame while switching. <br>
<br>For the videos (wmv and flv) I know that gstreamer-ffmeg can show it, but I still need a way to show the other ones. I was planning to use firefox (gecko) embedded in a gtk application to show the flash animations and the other medias. I need to know if gstreamer can help in displaying normal videos, switching, and displaying flash animations running inside gecko, in a single fullscreen player.<br>
<br>I've seen an application that does much what I need, the Gnome's Totem media player, and I know it uses gstreamer. I downloaded its source code, but I need some information about that before spending time on it.<br>
<br>Someone can help with any explanation?<br><br><br>Thanks in advance (sorry for my bad english),<br><br>Joćo Paulo<br><br>