Hi All,<br><br>I am trying to develop a source plugin which connects to network, gets TV input in asf format, demuxes the same and send it out on 2 of its output pads. My pipeline will look somewhat like this<br><br>gst-launch mysrc name=src src.src_00 ! queue ! decoderbin ! xvimagesink src.src_01 ! queue ! faad ! osssink.<br>
<br>The video is always h.264 and audio is aac. Initially everything works fine. When I try to do a change of channel, there is a multiple discontinuity coming in timestamps. (One due to my flush and another due to the flush on the server side). First one comes to around 1.5 seconds and second one around 1 second. After this data comes for the new channel, and audio is fine. But video is playing with jerks. (looks like playing around 1-2fps). Can someone please help me as to what might be happening?<br>
<br>Thanks in advance<br>KK<br>