<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Hi, I'm new here, and I want to ask something about gstreamer:<br><br>I'm working with a gstreamer application to get the number of dropped frames from a video stream. I use videorate to get the value. But, the result is alway 0, no matter what I tried.<br><br>The gstreamer qos document says that qos is enabled by default for video, so why I did not get any dropped frame ?<br><br> I wrote an event prob function to put after the video decoder and found that there's many frame have positive jitter (the diff value got from gst_event_parse_qos()) but they are still not dropped event I set max_lateness for video sink to 100.<br><br>So, is there anything that I misunderstanding here or did I do anything wrong ?<br><br>Thanks and best regards.<br>
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