I have a multimedia server that provides live playing of stored files, i receive a uri (that can be a SSH, FTP or HTTP), opens it, decode and send it back to the client.<br><br>Everything works fine, im using gnomevfs to open the uri, the problem starts when i start to seek through the stream, it seens that gnomevfssrc does not handle seeking. Im aware of the existence of a giosrc element too, but until now i just have tried to work with gnomevfssrc.<br>
<br>i already read something about that but it was old posts (saying that isnt possible), so i wanted to be sure, is giosrc ou gnomevfssrc capable of doing seeking on a http/ssh/ftp stream? I didnt find anything on the documentation and i cant be sure if its not working because im doing something wrong or if it wont work simply because it dont work.<br>
<br>best regards,<br>Katcipis<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>"it might be a profitable thing to learn Java, but it has no intellectual value whatsoever" Alexander Stepanov<br>