Hi all,<br><br>I am launching a pipeline as below.<br><br>==================================================================================================================<br>gst-launch filesrc location=collateral.ts ! mpegtsdemux name=d d. ! \<br>
queue name="vid_queue" max-size-buffers=0 max-size-time=0 <b>max-size-bytes=8192</b> ! ffdec_h264 ! ffmpegcolorspace ! videoscale ! queue ! xvimagesink\<br>d. ! queue name="aud_queue" max-size-buffers=0 max-size-time=0 <b>max-size-bytes=8192</b> ! mad ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! queue ! alsasink<br>
==================================================================================================================<br><br><u>Issues:<br><br></u>* the file only plays video & the audio is just heard for a second in the beginning & then not heard at all.<br>
* the same behavior is seen in application written for above pipeline.<br>* but the above pipeline works well with most of the files.<br> eg: mp4 files(video-H.264, audio-AAC)<br><br>now if i change the queue property max-size-bytes=819200 all files plays well in launch line<br>
<br>* but if i do the same in application for some files the video plays faster (say at the rate of 2.0)<br>& audio is played at the normal speed.<br><br>I use the latest gstreamer-0.23 version.<br>But if i use gstreamer-0.22 version i don't see any problem.<br>
the audio & video play at normal speed when queue property max-size-bytes=819200.<br><br>can anyone give any hint or idea wat may be the problem?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Jyoti<br>