Hi,<br><br>I am working on an application that starts with this pipeline:<br><br>filesrc location = filename ! mpegtsparse ! mpegtsdemux <br><br>when mpegtsdemux have a new pad, it calls the function on_new_pad:<br> in case of video it completes the pipeline with:<br>
queue ! mpeg2dec ! videoscale ! capsfilter ! glupload ! fakesink (with sync=true)<br><br> in case of dsmcc content:<br> queue ! appsink<br><br>The problem is that the video part plays faster than the usual, nevertheless if I comment all the dsmcc part on "on_pad_added" function, video part plays correctly.<br>
<br>I can't found where is the problem, but I think it is related with the dsmcc part pipeline, here you can found the link to "on_pad_added" function:<br><a href="http://www.pastebin.ca/1550152">http://pastebin.ca/1550152</a><br>