Hi,<br><br>I'm working on a project that use gst-rtsp-server as the streaming server and got the following message on the client with h264 and mpeg4 video format:<br><br>ffmpeg :0:: warning: first frame is no keyframe<br>
ffmpeg :0:: Missing reference picture<br>ffmpeg :0:: number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one<br>ffmpeg :0:: non-existing PPS referenced<br>ffmpeg :0:: sps_id out of range<br><br>For the first 2 message, I think it's not a problem since the first frame that client got in the stream is not keyframe/reference frame.<br>
But for the rest, I do not know why did it happens, I tried to google but seam I can't find anything useful. Is there any one know how can I fix these or just disable them ?<br clear="all"><br>Thanks<br>-- <br>Cheers !<br>