Hi, all<br><br>I am using gstreamer to transcode all files in a playlist to a big flv file. <br>I got a crash error after finishing the first clip (EOS received) and start to transcode the second clip.<br><br><br>what happened was: <br>
<br>the decoder decoded something for the second clip and then call " gst_pad_push()" to transfer the data to the flv muxer,<br>the flv muxer then call function gst_flv_mux_audio_pad_setcaps() to set the capability.<br>
The program crashed in this function because the returned <br> cpad = GstFlvPad*) gst_pad_get_element_private(pad) <br>was null.<br><br>can someone tell me what could the problem be? how could I fix it.<br><br>many thanks<br>
<br>Emma<br> <br>