<div class="gmail_quote">Hi all,<br><br> Wanted to know if someone has tried encode bin available in gst-convenience :<span style="color: rgb(31, 73, 125);"><a href="http://git.collabora.co.uk/?p=user/edward/gst-convenience.git;a=tree"> http://git.collabora.co.uk/?p=user/edward/gst-convenience.git;a=tree </a></span>
<br> I ran the encodebin example ( <span style="font-family: courier new,monospace;">
gst-convenience-</span><span style="font-family: courier new,monospace;">tests/examples/encoding</span>) with the cmd line arg :
<br> <span style="font-family: courier new,monospace;">./encoding </span><a style="font-family: courier new,monospace;">file:///home/vadmin/test.wav</a><span style="font-family: courier new,monospace;">
-o out.amr --format audio/AMR-WB </span>, <br>
I was unable to set the pipeline to Playing. I have also attached the log.<br><br> Can some pls let me know if they have got the example to work or if any modifications are necessary to the test app encoding.c<br>
Thanks<font color="#888888">.<br>