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David Schleef wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:20100525222358.GA22372@cooker.entropywave.com"
<pre wrap="">On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 04:29:39PM +0300, Stefan Kost wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">I think that overall, using new fourccs would involve writing
less code and be less prone to bugs. It is my preference.
<pre wrap="">I Honestly don't like it so much as its badly scales :/ To be sure you
mean instead of
video/x-raw-yuv, format="I420" we do video/x-raw-yuv,
format="S420",layout="over/under" (yeah crap). Or
video/x-raw-yuv-stereo, format="I420",layout="over/under" ?
<pre wrap=""><!---->
I meant "video/x-raw-yuv,format=S420,width=1280,height=720" for the
native way that GStreamer handled stereo video. (Funny that you
used S420, as that was exactly the method for mangling fourcc's that
I was thinking: I420 -> S420, UYVY -> SYVY, etc.)
What about RGB stereo formats?<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:20100525222358.GA22372@cooker.entropywave.com"
<pre wrap="">And no "layout" property. We already have a fourcc to indicate layout
(as well as other stuff, under which rug we now also sweep stereo/mono).
Side-by-side and top-bottom is a misuderstanding of what "native"
means. These are methods of packing two pictures into a single
picture for the purposes of shoving it through software that only
understands one picture. We want a system that understands *two*
I wouldn't say that "there are methods of packing two pictures into a
single picture for the purposes of shoving it through software that
understands one picture." I think it's more about how to organise the
memory used to represent those combined picture, like planar RGB vs
packed RGB, or YV16 vs YVYU and YUY2. I agree that side-by-side and
row-interleaved layouts end up being the same memory layout, so there
should not be a distinction between the 2. There would only be a
distinction, as you said, when you shove this combined image through
software that only understands one picture. But top-bottom (or memory
consecutive, or whatever name we choose) and side-by-syde (or
left-right, or row-interleaved, or ...) are as different in my opinion
as packed vs planar layouts. Does that make sense?<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:20100525222358.GA22372@cooker.entropywave.com"
<pre wrap="">As a data point, H.264 handles stereo by doubling the number of
pictures in the stream and ordering them left/right/left/right. The
closest match in a GStreamer API would be to use buffer flags, but
that's gross because a) we don't have any buffer flags available
unless we steal them from miniobject, b) we still would need a
field (stereo=true) in the caps, which would cause compatibility
issues, c) some existing elements would work fine (videoscale),
others would fail horribly (videorate).
The second closest match is what I recommended: format=(fourcc)S420
(as above), indicating two I420 pictures consecutive in memory. A
stereo H.264 decoder can be modified to decode to these buffers
Again, this would be viable but this would involve choosing the layout,
wouldn't it?<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:20100525222358.GA22372@cooker.entropywave.com"
<pre wrap="">On the display side, I only really have experience with X output
to shutter stereo goggles using OpenGL: you upload separate pictures
for right and left, and the driver flips between them. In this
case, the packing in memory is only slightly important -- memory
consective order would be easier to code, but the graphics engine
could easily be programmed to handle top/bottom or side-by-side.
HDMI 1.4, curiously, has support for half a dozen stereo layouts.
This is a design we should strive to avoid.
Wouldn't we want to support what is used elsewhere to augment
compatibility (at the cost of greater complexity probably, I agree)?<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:20100525222358.GA22372@cooker.entropywave.com"
<pre wrap="">On the question of "How do I handle side-by-side video": Use an
element to convert to the native format. Let's call it
'videotostereo'. Thus, if you have video like on this page:
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.stereomaker.net/sample/index.html">http://www.stereomaker.net/sample/index.html</a>, you would use
something like:
filesrc ! decodebin ! videotostereo method=side-by-side !
Ok, from what I understand, this means that there a file containing a
normal video that is actually composed of 2 images that are
side-by-side, then the videotostereo plugin is informed, through the
"method" property, that the incoming video has this layout. Since we
chose to use put the images in the stereo stream in a memory
consecutive layout, videotostereo would "reorganise" the incoming
buffer into a top-bottom outgoing buffer. Then this buffer, having
stereo caps (S420 for instance), would be sent to stereoglimagesink
that would do whatever. Is that right?<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:20100525222358.GA22372@cooker.entropywave.com"
<pre wrap="">Assuming you don't have stereo output, but want to watch one of
the mono channels:
filesrc ! decodebin ! videotostereo method=side-by-side !
ffmpegcolorspace ! xvimagesink
The stream coming out of videotostereo would have stereo caps, so this
means that ffmpegcolorspace would have to be aware of the stereo caps.
Is that what you meant? The approach I was going to take was more to
have another plugin, something like stereotovideo, that would take a
stereo stream and output it as a normal video, with whatever output
layout (left-right, right-left, top-bottom, bottom-top, etc.)<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:20100525222358.GA22372@cooker.entropywave.com"
<pre wrap="">Converting the above video to red/cyan anaglyph:
filesrc ! decodebin ! videotostereo method=side-by-side !
videofromstereo method=red-cyan-anaglyph ! xvimagesink
Yeah, that's exactly what I meant (stereotovideo = videofromstereo),
except that the method for videofromstereo could also be left, right,
left-right, right-left, top-bottom, top-bottom (in addition to all
kinds of anaglyph), instead of leaving that task to ffmpeg.<br>
Another question that I had is about more than 2 buffers. Is it too
soon to talk about this? Should we focus on stereo for now? What
about n images in a stream? Because if I'm right, the 2 suggestions
I've received for new caps are:<br>
1) "video/x-raw-yuv-stereo , layout = { memory-consecutive ,
interleaved }, ..."<br>
which is the one I'm most comfortable with, or<br>
2) "video/x-raw-yuv , format = (fourcc) S420 , ..."<br>
But what about something like :<br>
3) "video/x-raw-yuv-multiple , channels = (int) [ 1 , MAX ] , ..."<br>
or something like that... Maybe with the "-multiple" to avoid problems
with existing plugins... I haven't thought a lot about this one, but I
just wanted to ask you what you think about the possibility of using
more than one (or two) images packed together.<br>