Hi all<br> <br> I need "aplay" command format to play audio song in BT
headset (what are presettings to play headset<br> I am palying giving
following commands. <br> <br> Killall hcid<br> uim /dev/ttyO1
3686400 none /sys/uim/pid & <br>
hciconfig hci0 up <br> hciconfig -a <br> hcid -s -f
/etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf<br><br> and I am giving amixer seting
commands as per I3.7-Pre2 release.<br><br>amixer cset name='HandsfreeL
Mux' 2<br>amixer cset name='HandsfreeL Switch' 1<br>
amixer cset name='HandsfreeR Mux' 2<br>amixer cset name='HandsfreeR
Switch' 1<br>amixer cset name='DAC2 Analog Playback Volume' 16 amixer
cset name='HeadsetL Mixer AudioL2' 1 amixer cset name='HeadsetR Mixer
AudioR2' 1 amixer cset name='Analog Left Main Mic Capture Switch' 1
amixer cset name='Analog Right Sub Mic Capture Switch' 1 amixer cset
name='Analog Left Headset Mic Capture Switch' 1<br>
<br>Once it is done I am paring headset to zoom3 Device. <br>When I am
playing "gst-launch filesrc location" <br><br> gst-launch filesrc
location=satish/track4.mp3 ! mp3parse ! goodec_mp3 ! a<br> lsasink
<br><br>I am getting the error as <br><br> MP3 Decoder string device
:i/:o//codec Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...<br>ERROR: Pipeline doesn't
want to pause.<br>ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/<div id=":xy" class="ii gt">GstAlsaSink:alsasink0:
Could not open audio device for playback.<br>
Additional debug info:<br>gstalsasink.c(690): gst_alsasink_open ():
/GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstAlsaSink:als<br>asink0:<br>Playback open
error on device 'bluetooth': No such file or directory Setting pipeline
to NULL ...<br>
Total time: 0.000000 seconds<br>Freeing pipeline ...<br>˜7<br>µ„<@˜7<br><br><br><br>I
am using gstreamer 0.10 version<br>Linux 2.6.32 RC7 kernel<br>Board is
zoom3.<br><br><br>Can you please help me out what are reasons for the
above error.<br>
<br><br><br>And I am giving aplay command in the following format.<br> Aplay
-D bluetooth track4.wav<br><br>I am getting error as <br><br> ALSA lib
pcm.c:2211:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM bluetooth<br> aplay:
main:608: audio open error: No such file or directory</div>