HI,<br><br>I have an app, which send samples of video to gstreamer. when the play back starts, gstreamer get the window size automatically based on the source.<br>But I want to control it.<br><br>I tried <br>videoscale = gst_element_factory_make ("videoscale", "video_scale");<br>
g_object_set (G_OBJECT (videoscale), "width", 500, NULL); <br> g_object_set (G_OBJECT (videoscale), "height", 500, NULL); <br><br>but I am getting <br><ul><li>object class 'GstVideoScale' has not property named 'width'</li>
<li>object class 'GstVideoScale' has not property named 'height'</li></ul>Need some help here. how do i set the width and height correctly, and is there any way to change the dimensions while the video is playing.<br>