Hi All,<br><br>I am new to gstreamer, but not new to image processing.<br>I seek advice on the best way to merge video streams in gstreamer.<br><br>At least I am hoping for some indication that my goal is not doomed to failure.<br>
<br>There are three cameras, with wide angle lenses, on a post, covering entire 360 degree field of view.<br>The goal is to combine video from three cameras, transform and project it so that it shows in a single window as a unified picture.<br>
<br>The question is not how to do the image processing. I can manage that. The question is how best to work with gstreamer. <br><br>The first obvious way (at least to me) is to write a new plugin that has three sink-pads and one source-pad.<br>
But I can't find any examples to follow. And the docs on base transform indicate that it can't handle this situation.<br><br>You experts probably know another way to do this.<br>Maybe there is already a plugin that can help with this, but I just don't have enough imagination to see it.<br>
<br>Is it possible to connect multiple source-pads to a single sink-pad?<br><br>Thanks much for your patience with a newcomer.<br><br>--Bert Douglas<br>