Hi All,<br><br>I downloaded some multichannel mp3 files from the below site:<br><a href="http://www.all4mp3.com/Listenmp3Surround.aspx">http://www.all4mp3.com/Listenmp3Surround.aspx</a><br><br>To play these files, is there any open source gstreamer demux and decoder plugins?<br>
<br>Tried with normal 'ffdemux_mp3' and 'ffdec_mp3' gstreamer plugins, <br> $ gst-launch filesrc location=<> ! ffdemux_mp3 ! ffdec_mp3 ! alsasink <br>it just gives stereo output, since the file is backward compatible.<br>
<br>Have anyone tried multichannel mp3 files? <br>Please help.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Thanks and Regards,<br>Sharavana<br>mailto:<a href="mailto:ssrk.tce@gmail.com">ssrk.tce@gmail.com</a><br><br>