<div>Hi All,</div>
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<div> I am writing an mediaplay application in which i have to use GStreamer decoders to decode data and send it back. For the purpose I am going to use <strong>"appsrc ! decoder ! appsink" </strong>. Where decoder can be a specific decoder or decodebin. </div>
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<div>I will be reading the file, demuxing it and then send the demuxed packet to GStreamer decoder part as described above. Here I want to know few things....</div>
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<li>Does the decoder in gstreamer output a complete Frame or is it partial data? I assume it to be a complete frame... please correct my assumption.</li>
<li>Can I know from the output buffer/frame (at src pad of decoder), whether it is a Key-frame or not?</li>
<li>Is it possible to check whether the complete frame can be generated from the given demuxed data or does it require more?</li>
<li>Is there any way to get the PTS of the decoded frame?</li></ol>
<div>Please help, as this is urgent for me. </div>
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