Hello, I am new with GStreamer sorry if I couldn't find any tip according to my answer or if it's obvious. <br>I have the following pipeline:<br><br><br>bin // GstBin<br>--------------------------------------------------------<br>
alpha<br> |------------videomixer---------ffmepgcolor<br>smpte<br> | <br>-----------------------------------------------------------<br> |<br> gstController, asociated to the alpha property<br><br><br><br>Comp // GnlComposition<br>
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|<br> | <br>gnlsource | <br>
--------- gnlOperation (contains the bin described above) |--------------queue ------------- sink<br>gnlsource |<br>
|<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>The pipeline above solves the transition issue between 2 video streams. The EOS signals the end of the whole stream, ie, video1 + video2 (asociated with each gnlsource respectively)<br>
<br>I need to know the real duration of each video, mainly to control issues as frame losts and the begining time of the next video. Which property or technique solves this?.<br>The purposte is to control it to implement a playlist with this pipeline as a base.<br>
<br>Thank you for any suggestion.<br><br>Rossana<br><br><br>