I am working to replace a VLC implementation with gstreamer. The first case I am working on is streaming video from VLC via rtsp to another system. I am using gst-launch to prototype the approach. VLC receives and displays the video in this situation. I am failing to link my gstreamer pipeline. I tried using playbin2 which also failed though it got *MUCH* further. So, I am trying to use the debug output from that run (GST_DEBUG=...) to figure out which filters playbin2 is loading and in which order. Do I need to specify each component that the debug output indicates as successfully linked (ex: linked rtpsession0:recv_rtp_src and rtpssrcdemux0:sink, successful)? I don't recognize most of these components so I am not sure how to do so. But when I tried it manually these were not listed and the process didn't get as far.<br>
<br>My command line with playbin2 is: gst-launch -v playbin2 uri=rtsp://x.x.x.x/video.sdp This fails with the following warning:<br>0:00:01.085163881 16819 0x7fc870009d90 WARN uridecodebin gsturidecodebin.c:867:unknown_type_cb:<uridecodebin0> warning: No decoder available for type 'video/x-h264, stream-format=(string)byte-stream, alignment=(string)nal'.<br>
<br>I suspect that it needs mpeg2dec at this point, which is what I would like to try manually after I figure out what plug-ins to link.<br><br>Thank you in advance for help!<br><br>Chuck<br><br>