Hi, <br><br>I am working on a gstreamer based custom media player. <br>I have built the following version of gstreamer for linux(ubuntu 10.04)<br>gstreamer-0.10.36/<br>gst-plugins-base-0.10.36/<br>gst-plugins-good-0.10.31/<br>
gst-plugins-bad-0.10.23/<br>gst-ffmpeg-0.10.13/<br><br>When I try to use gst-launch,<br>(gst-launch <b>filesrc</b> location=/opt/test/contents/<div id=":yf">aoruvan.mkv
! decodebin2 name=dec ! queue ! ffmpegcolorspace ! videoscale
add-borders=true ! autovideosink sync=false dec. ! audioconvert !
audioresample ! autoaudiosink)<br>
(gst-launch playbin2 uri=<b>file:///</b>opt/test/contents/aoruvan.mkv)<br><br><br>I see few frames are being dropped.<br><i>"WARNING: from element /GstPlayBin2:playbin20/GstPlaySink:playsink0/GstBin:vbin/GstAutoVideoSink:videosink/GstXImageSink:videosink-actual-sink-ximage: A lot of buffers are being dropped.<br>
Additional debug info:<br>gstbasesink.c(2875): gst_base_sink_is_too_late (): /GstPlayBin2:playbin20/GstPlaySink:playsink0/GstBin:vbin/GstAutoVideoSink:videosink/GstXImageSink:videosink-actual-sink-ximage:<br>There may be a timestamping problem, or this computer is too slow."<br>
</i><br>If I run the gst-launch using the libraries got from Ubuntu repository (apt-get), I don't see any issues.<br>I also confirmed the playback using ffplay. The playback is smooth. (ffmpeg libraries are built on my own). <br>
<br>I assume, that I would have missed some optimization flags.<br>I have attached my config.log files. Please help me out!<br><br>Regards<br>Dinesh P</div>