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<div>Hey! new day new problem.</div>
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<div>I want to read from a .yuv file in cif format, stream it over rtp and store it on the reciever side.</div>
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<div>I can play my video with this pipeline:</div>
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<div>gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=****/highway_cif.yuv ! videoparse width=352 height=288 ! videoconvert ! ximagesink</div>
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<div>so why I can not parse my stream from videoconvert to a x264enc instead of ximagesink? because my c-pipleine like this:</div>
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<div>filesrc->videoparse(352/288)->videoconvert->x264enc->rtph264pay->rtpbin --> IS NOT WORKING. (encoder has no output/input)</div>
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<div>Thanks, Simon</div>
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