<font face="Default Sans Serif,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="2"> <span>I am using two pipeline to send and receive the video but in the wireshark I can't see any RTP or RTCP message exchange only UDP packets<br><br>sender:<br><br>gst-launch-0.10 -v gstrtpbin name=rtpbin filesrc location=TestV.mp4 ! decodebin ! x264enc ! rtph264pay ! rtpbin.send_rtp_sink_0 rtpbin.send_rtp_src_0 ! udpsink port=5002 host= rtpbin.send_rtcp_src_0 ! udpsink port=5003 host= sync=false async=false udpsrc port=5007 ! rtpbin.recv_rtcp_sink_0<br><br>Reciever:<br><br>gst-launch-0.10 -v gstrtpbin name=rtpbin latency=100 udpsrc caps="application/x-rtp,media=(string)video,clock-rate=(int)90000,encoding-name=(string)H264" port=5002 ! rtpbin.recv_rtp_sink_0 rtpbin. ! rtph264depay ! ffdec_h264 ! ffmpegcolorspace ! autovideosink udpsrc port=5003 ! rtpbin.recv_rtcp_sink_0 rtpbin.send_rtcp_src_0 ! udpsink port=5007 host= sync=false async=false<br><br><br><br>Could any one plese help me out, why I can't see the RTP message exchange in wireshark? Do I need to make changes in my pieline above?<br><br><br><font size="2">Thanks <br>
</font><font size="2">Raman<br>
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