[gst-embedded] How to use DSP in gstreamer

Zhao Liang-E3423C E3423C at motorola.com
Sun Mar 2 22:03:06 PST 2008

Hi all,
On embedded device, DSP is used widely, many DSPs have different
features, for example:
1. decoder
DSP is just a hardware decoder
2. decoder + sink
DSP is a decoder plus sink, it can directly accept encoded data, and
then decode it and render pcm data into audio device directly.
3. A/V sync
DSP can do A/V sync internally or not.
There may be more features i don't list. For these features, how can we
implement them by gstreamer?
For case 1, I think it is esay to do by gstreamer, but for each 2 and 3,
it seems gstreamer has no available resources to define these
application. So I think we can discuss these topics and find a good
BTW, I find a project in gst - "gst-openmax", it is using openmax as low
level implementation, but it also has some limitation, for example, no
solution for case 2, and we must have openmax implementation for special
DSP firstly.
I hope we can have top level solution for DSP in despite of the low
level implementation, just link gstbasesink virtual class, but all
interfaces or virtual functions are defined to handle all the use cases.

Best Regards
Zhao Liang


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