<div dir="ltr">I'm working in a project using voip on a software and in embedded systems, its more like a lib, that is used by a high level software for PC and in embedded systems. Actually everything is done in one single gigantic function, now we are working on creating a more readable and expandable lib, so we started to build the lib using pipes and filters patterns. That's when the idea of using gstreamer came, but since gstreamer is usually used on media players i would like to know if it is good to be used on real time voip systems that rely heavily on time to work properly. Is Gstreamer a good lib to build this type of application? If it is who would be the best place for me to start reading about it (using gstreamer on voip) ?<br>
<br>sorry if i asked something stupid... I'm just starting on the job and don't have to much experience, sorry for the lousy English too :-)<br><br>Best regards<br><br>Tiago César Katcipis<br></div>