/*Please see this log captured on my system. I have added some comments too, for your convenience. Please execute these steps from your DaVinci prompt (hyperterminal or tera term)*/ /*Check the existing environment before exporting GST_PLUGIN_PATH*/ [root@OMAP3EVM /]# env | grep PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/gstreamer/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib PATH=/gstreamer/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/libexec [root@OMAP3EVM /]# [root@OMAP3EVM /]# [root@OMAP3EVM /]# /*Run gst-inspect before exporting GST_PLUGIN_PATH*/ [root@OMAP3EVM /]# gst-inspect staticelements: bin: Generic bin staticelements: pipeline: Pipeline object Total count: 1 plugin, 2 features [root@OMAP3EVM /]# [root@OMAP3EVM /]# [root@OMAP3EVM /]# /*Now, export GST_PLUGIN_PATH*/ [root@OMAP3EVM /]# export GST_PLUGIN_PATH=/gstreamer/lib/gstreamer-0.10 [root@OMAP3EVM /]# [root@OMAP3EVM /]# [root@OMAP3EVM /]# [root@OMAP3EVM /]# /*Check if it's updated in the s/m environment*/ [root@OMAP3EVM /]# env | grep PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/gstreamer/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib PATH=/gstreamer/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/libexec GST_PLUGIN_PATH=/gstreamer/lib/gstreamer-0.10 [root@OMAP3EVM /]# [root@OMAP3EVM /]# [root@OMAP3EVM /]# /*Make sure the libraries are present under the GST_PLUGIN_PATH*/ [root@OMAP3EVM /]# ls -l $GST_PLUGIN_PATH | grep coreelements -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 800560 Dec 18 2008 libgstcoreelements.a -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1537 Dec 18 2008 libgstcoreelements.la -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 522043 Dec 18 2008 libgstcoreelements.so [root@OMAP3EVM /]# [root@OMAP3EVM /]# [root@OMAP3EVM /]# [root@OMAP3EVM /]# /*Now, gst-inspect should find the plugins*/ [root@OMAP3EVM /]# gst-inspect | grep coreelements coreelements: multiqueue: MultiQueue coreelements: typefind: TypeFind coreelements: tee: Tee pipe fitting coreelements: filesink: File Sink coreelements: queue: Queue coreelements: identity: Identity coreelements: filesrc: File Source coreelements: fdsink: Filedescriptor Sink coreelements: fdsrc: Filedescriptor Source coreelements: fakesink: Fake Sink coreelements: fakesrc: Fake Source coreelements: capsfilter: CapsFilter [root@OMAP3EVM /]#